ImageNet 作者:马育民 • 2020-02-05 21:08 • 阅读:10260 # 介绍 ImageNet 是一个计算机视觉系统识别项目, 是目前世界上图像识别 **最大的数据库**。 官方网址: **主要创始人:**李飞飞、Jia Deng( 邓嘉,李飞飞的学生)、Alex Berg 2009年,Alex Berg 提议大赛中应该额外加入用算法 **定位图像目标** 的任务 # 挑战赛 自2010年以来,每年度ImageNet大规模视觉识别挑战赛(**ILSVRC**),研究团队在给定的数据集上评估其算法,并在几项视觉识别任务中争夺更高的准确性。 **创办时间:**2010年 **结束时间:**2017年 ### 2010年数据介绍 []( # 意义 ### 提高识别精度 识别精度从71.8%上升到97.3% ### AlexNet 2012年的ImageNet挑战赛,多伦多大学的Geoffrey Hinton、Ilya Sutskever和Alex Krizhevsky提出了一种深度卷积神经网络结构:**AlexNet**,成绩比当时的第二名高出 **41%**。AlexNet现在依然在研究中被广泛使用。 ### 启动模型 研究人员后来发现,他们的算法在使用ImageNet数据集训练时,表现效果会更好。 “当时很意外地发现用ImageNet训练过的模型可以做其他识别任务的 **启动模型**,**之后经过微调就能完成任务**,”Berg说,“这不仅是神经网络的突破,也是常规认知的飞跃。” # 类别 french fries mashed potato black olive face powder crab apple Granny Smith strawberry blueberry cranberry currant blackberry raspberry persimmon mulberry orange kumquat lemon grapefruit plum fig pineapple banana jackfruit cherry grape custard apple durian mango elderberry guava litchi pomegranate quince kidney bean soy green pea chickpea chard lettuce cress spinach bell pepper pimento jalapeno cherry tomato parsnip turnip mustard bok choy head cabbage broccoli cauliflower brussels sprouts zucchini spaghetti squash acorn squash butternut squash cucumber artichoke asparagus green onion shallot leek cardoon celery mushroom pumpkin cliff lunar crater valley alp volcano promontory sandbar dune coral reef lakeside seashore geyser bakery juniper berry gourd acorn olive hip ear pumpkin seed sunflower seed coffee bean rapeseed corn buckeye bean peanut walnut cashew chestnut hazelnut coconut pecan pistachio lentil pea peanut okra sunflower lesser celandine wood anemone blue columbine delphinium nigella calla lily sandwort pink baby's breath ice plant globe amaranth four o'clock Virginia spring beauty wallflower damask violet candytuft Iceland poppy prickly poppy oriental poppy celandine blue poppy Welsh poppy celandine poppy corydalis pearly everlasting strawflower yellow chamomile dusty miller tansy daisy common marigold China aster cornflower chrysanthemum mistflower cosmos dahlia coneflower blue daisy gazania African daisy male orchis butterfly orchid aerides brassavola spider orchid grass pink calypso cattleya red helleborine coelogyne cymbid lady's slipper marsh orchid dendrobium disa helleborine fragrant orchid fringed orchis lizard orchid laelia masdevallia odontoglossum oncidium bee orchid fly orchid spider orchid phaius moth orchid ladies' tresses stanhopea stelis vanda cyclamen centaury gentian begonia commelina scabious achimenes African violet streptocarpus scorpionweed calceolaria toadflax veronica bonsai star anise wattle huisache silk tree rain tree dita pandanus linden American beech New Zealand beech live oak shingle oak pin oak cork oak yellow birch American white birch downy birch alder fringe tree European ash fig witch elm Dutch elm cabbage tree golden shower tree honey locust Kentucky coffee tree Brazilian rosewood logwood coral tree Japanese pagoda tree kowhai palm Arabian coffee cork tree weeping willow pussy willow goat willow China tree pepper tree balata teak ginkgo pine ilang-ilang laurel magnolia tulip tree baobab kapok red beech cacao sorrel tree iron tree mangrove paper mulberry Judas tree redbud mountain ash ailanthus silver maple Oregon maple sycamore box elder Japanese maple holly dogwood truffle shiitake lichen hen-of-the-woods jelly fungus dead-man's-fingers earthstar coral fungus stinkhorn puffball gyromitra bolete polypore gill fungus morel agaric trilobite harvestman scorpion black and gold garden spider barn spider garden spider black widow tarantula wolf spider tick mite centipede millipede horseshoe crab isopod Dungeness crab rock crab fiddler crab king crab American lobster spiny lobster crayfish hermit crab shrimp barnacle tiger beetle ladybug ground beetle long-horned beetle leaf beetle weevil fly mosquito ant bee grasshopper cricket walking stick cockroach mantis cicada leafhopper mayfly lacewing dragonfly damselfly nymphalid ringlet monarch cabbage butterfly sulphur butterfly lycaenid moth polyp jellyfish sea anemone coral flatworm nematode earthworm conch snail slug sea slug cowrie chiton clam mussel chambered nautilus starfish sea urchin sea cucumber Egyptian cat Persian cat tiger cat Siamese cat tabby vizsla English setter Gordon setter Irish setter Brittany spaniel golden retriever flat-coated retriever Australian terrier Yorkshire terrier Staffordshire bullterrier Scottish deerhound greyhound Rhodesian ridgeback dalmatian corgi Newfoundland miniature poodle standard poodle basenji griffon Great Dane Bouvier des Flandres Border collie German shepherd Doberman boxer Eskimo dog Saint Bernard Tibetan mastiff Pekinese Chihuahua black grouse ptarmigan ruffed grouse prairie chicken pheasant quail partridge hare Angora wood rabbit indri Madagascar cat orangutan chimpanzee gorilla siamang gibbon titi squirrel monkey spider monkey howler monkey marmoset colobus guenon proboscis monkey patas baboon macaque langur African elephant Indian elephant brown bear ice bear American black bear sloth bear badger mink black-footed ferret skunk weasel polecat otter lesser panda giant panda raccoon meerkat mongoose dingo African hunting dog hyena kit fox red fox grey fox Arctic fox red wolf coyote white wolf timber wolf cougar lynx jaguar tiger leopard snow leopard lion cheetah loggerhead leatherback turtle mud turtle terrapin box turtle banded gecko common iguana American chameleon whiptail agama frilled lizard alligator lizard Gila monster green lizard African chameleon Komodo dragon thunder snake ringneck snake hognose snake green snake king snake garter snake water snake vine snake night snake boa constrictor Indian cobra green mamba horned viper wood-frog leopard frog bullfrog tree frog tailed frog European fire salamander common newt axolotl great white shark tiger shark hammerhead electric ray stingray barracouta coho rainbow trout striped bass sturgeon gar euphonium accordion grand piano upright chime drum gong maraca marimba banjo cello violin harp acoustic guitar electric guitar cornet French horn trombone harmonica organ pipe panpipe bassoon oboe sax flute bell whistle paintbrush hand blower oxygen mask snorkel earphone loudspeaker microphone mouse scanner trackball electric fan guillotine barometer rule odometer scale thermometer watch analog clock digital clock pendulum clock hourglass sundial stethoscope syringe binoculars projector hand glass optical telescope radio telescope missile bow cannon machine gun revolver rifle sword computer keyboard crane lighter chain saw circular saw abacus hand calculator cash machine desktop computer laptop hand-held computer web site harvester thresher printer slot vending machine sewing machine joystick gas pump carousel Ferris wheel roller coaster hard disc flash memory car mirror solar dish remote control buckle button hair slide paper clip knot combination lock padlock nail pin screw seat belt shredder candle flash Chinese lantern jack-o'-lantern mousetrap spider web comb ax chisel cleaver pocketknife plane safety razor shaver straight razor scissors drill lawn mower hammer cap opener corkscrew can opener plunger saw screwdriver shovel trowel adjustable wrench plow rake ceramic ware frying pan wok caldron coffeepot teapot spatula eggbeater swab broom toothbrush rubber eraser pencil sharpener fishing rod quill ballpoint fountain pen pencil needle drumstick crutch flagpole matchstick bicycle-built-for-two mountain bike freight car passenger car barrow shopping cart motor scooter tank forklift electric locomotive steam locomotive amphibian ambulance beach wagon cab convertible jeep limousine minivan Model T racer go-kart golfcart moped snowplow fire engine garbage truck pickup trailer truck police van recreational vehicle half track snowmobile tractor tricycle unicycle horse cart jinrikisha oxcart covered wagon hamper shopping basket thimble mailbag backpack sleeping bag ashcan cocktail shaker saltshaker washbasin vase beaker bucket mortar beer bottle ink bottle canteen hipflask water tower rain barrel bathtub ladle barrel pitcher mug envelope beer glass goblet carton chest safe crate mailbox measuring cup wallet bag golf ball baseball balance beam horizontal bar parallel bars basketball croquet ball barbell dumbbell in-line skate ice skate pool table crossword puzzle jigsaw puzzle bowling pin chessman soccer ball pool ball rugby ball volleyball tennis ball point-and-shoot camera Polaroid camera reflex camera carpenter's kit drilling platform iPod oscilloscope camcorder monitor cassette player cellular telephone pay-phone dial telephone tape player CD player photocopier metronome parachute brick lipstick nail polish lotion hair spray bumper car airliner warplane airship balloon fireboat gondola speedboat lifeboat canoe schooner catamaran trimaran container ship liner aircraft carrier submarine bobsled dogsled subway train bullet train trolleybus school bus bassinet crib four-poster trundle bed bookcase china cabinet medicine chest lamp file flat bench park bench pew armchair barber chair folding chair swivel chair wheelchair desk table-tennis table dining table entertainment center wardrobe rug shower curtain theater curtain newspaper magazine radio television maze triumphal arch bridge barn greenhouse library garage apiary boathouse church mosque stupa planetarium restaurant skyscraper cinema home theater lumbermill coil colonnade obelisk totem pole castle prison grocery store barbershop bookshop butcher shop confectionery shoe shop tobacco shop toyshop fountain house of cards cliff dwelling yurt dock brass megalith bannister breakwater dam chainlink fence picket fence stone wall grille turnstile tent stadium honeycomb buttress beacon silo handkerchief dishrag paper towel bath towel bib mask shoji sandal running shoe Loafer boot clog sling Band Aid eyepatch quilt doormat fancy dress wig collar shin guard knee pad apron vestment academic gown bulletproof vest swimming trunks maillot bikini suit jean pajama short pants feather boa headscarf stole bow tie Windsor tie bolo tie hoopskirt sarong poncho fur coat oilskin lab coat pullover cardigan kimono abaya bathrobe polo shirt jersey brassiere diaper mitten crash helmet football helmet hard hat bathing cap mortarboard shower cap garrison cap bonnet bearskin cowboy hat sombrero turban maillot sock Christmas stocking military uniform pajama brace jumper gown pickelhaube cannon breastplate lens cap tile roof dome thatch vault Venetian blind window shade binder lampshade mosquito net window screen fire screen shield cuirass chain mail gasmask ski mask holster scabbard birdhouse bell cote umbrella manhole cover bottlecap nipple tumble-dryer curling iron iron espresso maker hot plate ice maker microwave Dutch oven rotisserie electric range Primus stove toaster waffle iron vacuum dishwasher refrigerator washer 原文出处: